
Woman at Rally Speaking into Bullhorn to the crowd

#WomenWillLead24 will bring together 500 workers— from nurses to fast food workers, partners, allies, and guests— in Charlotte, NC from September 26-28.

From educational chats to community-building; we have a set of engaging workshops, energizing plenaries, and a powerful action that will prepare us to go back to our locals and campaigns ready to build more power than ever.

This is our time.

This is our movement.

This is OUR UNION.

No matter what your job title is or your background— this event is for YOU.

We all have a stake in building a more equitable economy and by centering Black women and other women of color, we get right to the heart of building communities that work for all of us. This is about big, organizing breakthroughs and smart campaigns that will change entire industries and make all our jobs better. 

We’re declaring our vision for a future that truly respects us, protects us and pays us. We’re organizing our communities, making our voices heard and building the majorities that can turn our vision into reality. We are determined to build power in our communities and drive political change. Regardless of November’s outcome, we need to move forward together and organize to win lasting worker power.

en español